Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hi everyone i was just testing some gear and i've take a picture of it ;)!!!

Gear name : Trollin' Pumpkin
Price of it : 500R
Limited : Yes
What does it? : It is protecting you!!!

Gear name : The Midas Glove
Price of it : OBC
Limited : NO
What does it : it makes everything gold!

Gear name : Bloxilicious Bubble Gum
The price of it : OBC/BC/TBC
Limited : NO
What does it : gum ...


Thursday, September 29, 2011


Welcome , here you can find some TIPS to be famous on roblox , nice places , ...
Good Luck

How to make your place on the first page?!
1.) Make a NON free model place!
2.) Make a funny/cool advertention.
3.) Ask some friends that they play the game.
4.) If there are in the server , and anyone clicks the ad , he maybe play it!
5.) BE NICE!!!!

How to make yourself famous?!
1.) Make a original ROBLOXian.
2.) Make some cool stuff for other people ( helps sometimes )
3.) Add FAMOUS people!
4.) Help ROBLOXians and make a good game ( no free models )
5.) BE NICE!!!

How to be rich?!
1.) make a VIP/SUPER VIP/MEGA VIP... in your place
2.) Sell it for a normal price not like VIP : 999 robux and 6666666 tix...
3.) Make a much playing game.
4.) Make nice clothes... ( sell limit hats/gear/faces/... for a higher price!!! )
5.) BE NICE!!!

That was everything for today!
Hope it helped you.

~ WallTrasher  

Welcome ROBLOXian!

Welcome ROBLOXian.

This sites give you tips to be famous , to be rich and that things! ( no bugs or glitches ) and some pictures of new gear/hats/...
: if u want tips click on : TIPS

Not a ROBLOXian?

~ WallTrasher [ ]